Tessa Sullivan

Oct 10, 20221 min


Mindset can motivate a writer to finish their novel but fear can trip you up and play with your self-worth. You're an imposter, if you let fear rule. It's like those wanna-be writers who never pursue their aspirations of being published. They write content but are too timid to share it with the outside world so into the desk drawer goes all their efforts. Last week I attended a virtual writing conference hosted by THE WRITING GALS. The fabulous workshops didn't disappoint and left me motivated. It was what I needed as a solitary writer-the commiserating stories of like-minded writers afraid of failure. Marketing helps but all the marketing in the world is a mute point if your manuscript is poorly written.

My new writing mantra is: You never know unless you try. That's all we writers can do, is give it our best. While we may never become the next Jane Austen or Colleen Hoover, there's still room for other authors and their unique storytelling voices.
