Imagine the excitement of finding that perfect Christmas ornament. This pink typewriter reflects my website logo. When I found the exact ornament on a quick store run, I gasped and knew it would be coming home with me.
We all have these objects/people/traditions we hold close. It could be our writing, our friends and family and the things that drive us to be happy people. This pink typewriter is symbolic of the joy I get from writing. Yes, granted, its cheesy, but who cares?
During this holiday season, when people are all wrapped up in gift giving, cookies and parties, writers will still be writing. It's certainly not about book sales, because very few get rich on royalties. The joy is in the journey and the little things you stumble across in your path.
Do you have a favorite holiday ritual that's unique? A vintage ornament?
How do you write during all the chaos of the holidays?
Comments are welcome below.
(And yes, I realize I have undercut Thanksgiving by posting pre-turkey day.)